How to Prepare Your Storage Bins for the Next Harvest?

Silos maintenance

Posted on July 10, 2024
While the season is in full swing and the grains continue to grow, preparations for the next harvest are already underway. Installation of new storage equipment, preventive maintenance and, of course, the big clean-up!
Mathieu Phaneuf, président-fondateur d'Agrilog.

Silo cleaning, from top to bottom

Start by emptying the bin completely and cleaning it thoroughly to remove all traces of the previous harvest (damaged grain, dust, TOXINS and mold). Make sure that all walls are free of residue trapped on the inner reinforcements and especially around the door. The underfloor accumulates dust, broken grains and other impurities over time. These residues can lead to storage problems such as : promoting the development of toxins and molds ; attract rodents and insects; affecting the olfactory quality of your grains, by giving them an undesirable odor.

Pensez-y bien!

Some grains, such as organic and specialty grains (IP soybeans, malting barley, bread wheat), are intended for human consumption. A smelly grain, although of good quality, could be rejected by your buyer. After all, bread that smells like little feet is no fun!

Regardez dessous le tapis!

Watch for any accumulation. One option is to install cleaning hatches on either side of the discharging auger. These make it easier to inspect the subfloor and clean it. When your bin is full of grain, by removing the cleaning hatches and activating the aeration, you can remove some of the accumulated dust. This can help you reduce the frequency with which you clean your silo floors.

Focus on clean, contaminant-free bins. That way, you'll avoid unpleasant surprises and be able to sleep more peacefully when you go on vacation this winter. Think about it!

For all our tips, continue reading our blog! Good cleaning!

Mathieu Phaneuf, président-fondateur d'Agrilog.