Organizational Mission
Practically speaking, the CRAAQ manages an online catalogue packed with relevant information—from scientific and technical literature to e-books, online training courses, symposium content and fact sheets. This platform also contains a host of Web tools that are widely known and used in the industry, such as Agri Réseau, IRIIS phytoprotection and SAgE Pesticides (French only).
In addition to compiling resources, this organization also actively contributes to creating new material. Its committees made up of actively involved researchers, advisors and agricultural producers work to identify needs and priorities for knowledge transfer in their respective fields.
In this sense, committee members give a voice to their sector. After identifying the needs on the ground, they decide whether resources need to be shared, put in layman’s terms or created from scratch. This process allows the CRAAQ to build a knowledge base tailored to community needs.
Based on the knowledge gaps identified, the organization develops various tools or activities such as reference publications, symposiums and simplified fact sheets for targeted groups.
“We believe in the power of collective intelligence. The CRAAQ is built by the people, for the people,” says strategic advisor Gisèle Bertrand.
Visit the CRAAQ website to access its resources or create an account.